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10 Minutes for You

Self-Care Ideas for Caregivers



Family caregivers feel a tremendous sense of responsibility. They are constantly on edge, as well as on-call, in service to a loved one in need. It may be hard to admit they feel overwhelmed, opting instead to put their own emotional, physical and spiritual health on the back burner. This can lead to caregiver stress and imbalance.


10 MINUTES FOR YOU is a guide for devoted caregivers who need to recharge but have very little time.


This easy to read book offers a series of ideas and inspiration that takes ten minutes or less of your time and can be used at varying points of the day. In these pages you will learn different ways to take time out and to:


- Manage stress and anxiety

- Boost mood and feel more hopeful

- Improve coping skills

- Tend to your own needs without guilt

- Enjoy silence and stillness

- Feel refreshed and energized

- Acknowledge true feelings

- Establish healthy boundaries

- Nourish your body, mind, and soul


Rev. L.S. Brockway is a reporter who covers health and psychology and an ordained interfaith minister, two professions that were inspired by her life as a family caregiver. She entered the world of the caregiver with the birth of her special needs son, who is now 29-years-old and who is doing great. And she was the family caregiver for her father and mother until the end of their lives.