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Goddess in the Mirror

Learn to See Yourself Through the Eyes of Love

"I loved this book - I am so inspired to enchant every mirror I own now! A perfect and gentle guide to self-love through ritual and the Goddess."

- Demelza Fox, Founder of Rockstar Priestess and The Venus Working.

Born on Beltane 2022.


Some of us are born with a great sense of self, sovereignty, and self-preservation.


The rest of us need a little work in that area! And we need to learn how to see ourselves through unbiased, spiritual eyes.


This book explores a myriad of ways that those who identify as goddesses can truly step into a powerful relationship with themselves, and the Divine.


We will call on ancient Goddesses known for their mirrors, including Hathor, Venus, Oshun, and Amaterasu.


And we will learn some practical and metaphysical tips for leaving our inner critics behind and embracing all of who we are.


The author guides you through self-celebration ceremonies, self-honoring devotions, self-love meditations, and self-awareness exercises. She helps you create a new way of looking at yourself through the lens of love and by calling forth your inner Goddess.


The aim is to see your own reflection in a whole new light.


This long-awaited follow-up to Laurie Sue Brockway's bestselling book, A Goddess is a Girl's Best Friend (now available as The Goddess Pages), invites you to step onto a path of truly embracing your own divinity.


More Raves for Goddess in the Mirror


"Self-love is indeed something that brings fullness into our lives. I love this book." - Shadreck Rogers

"This book is superb. You have outdone yourself. I loved all of it. I felt inspired loved and empowered. I especially love the chapters on loving yourself and paying less attention to negative people whose opinions shall not determine your inner self-worth. I also thoroughly enjoy the chapters on sensuality, sexuality, and claiming to be a queen." - Melissa Madelene Lohse, Visionary Artist