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Your Perfect Wedding Vows

A Guide to Romantic, Loving, and Heartfelt Words to Express on Your Wedding Day

Your Perfect Wedding Vows Ebook


Your Perfect Wedding Vows Paperback


This compact wedding vow guide puts immediate ideas, inspiration, and samples at your fingertips!


Feeling stumped and nervous about how to find the perfect words to express in your wedding vows? This book will relieve the stress and help you in writing, selecting, and even "borrowing" the vows that are perfect for you.


There are many different ways couples can express their love in wedding vows, and wedding words, that are personally meaningful. Sometimes this takes the form of vows they write themselves, sometimes they borrow from favorite readings or songs, and sometimes they opt for classic romantic vows that have endured through time.


This book contains a clear explanation of the kind of wedding vows you can choose for your big day, and also has a wide array of sample vows from real couples. Adapt them, or be inspired by them, when creating your own vows.


Great for vow renewal ceremonies, too!