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Your Interfaith Wedding

A Guide to Blending Faiths, Cultures, and Personal Values into One Beautiful Wedding Ceremony

Interfaith and intercultural wedding ceremonies are quickly becoming the norm in the United States as more and more couples of different faiths and ethnic cultures merge their lives in marriage. Many couples seek a creative and personalized ceremony, but they need guidance on how to identify the right rituals, blessings, and language, and how to appropriately blend in elements from both their traditions or create a loving nondenominational ceremony.


This book will help couples learn more about each other's faiths and family mindset, freeing them to craft a loving and creative ceremony that truly honors their roots and blesses their marriage.




"You have found the love of your life and now it's time for the wedding. As you plan this sacred ceremony be sure to read Your Interfaith Wedding by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway. Her wisdom, and years of expertise as a wedding officiant specializing in interdenominational weddings, will provide you with the words, prayers, and rituals that will honor the Bride, the Groom, and both families." - Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret


"Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway brings such depth of insight and beautiful inspiration to Your Interfaith Wedding! Now, couples can rise above the confusing advice on message boards and the interference of family expectations to blend their lives and beliefs in a wedding ceremony and celebration that encompasses the best of what their union brings to one another, to their families, and to their world. Rev. Laurie Sue has long been on my personal list of most-admired wedding officiants, and I'm thrilled for you, readers, that you get to have her on your wedding planning team with this book in your hands." - Sharon Naylor, author of The Complete Outdoor Wedding Planner and over 35 additional wedding planning books


"Words are the heart of a wedding ceremony. Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway helps couples create ceremonies that honor and articulate their unique relationship and cultural background, choosing words and rituals that have a soulful resonance for them. As a wise counsel, Rev. Laurie Sue has a way of guiding couples so they can, in the words of the poet Rumi, 'let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.' And that authenticity moves with them into their life together, long after the ceremony's end." - Cornelia Powell, editor, Weddings of Grace, and author of The Bride's Ritual Guide: Look Inside to Find Yourself


"It is so rare to find an officiant who can bring together people of all faiths and any background in meaningful ceremonies. Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway is a leading expert in interfaith and mixed-culture weddings. She understands the special needs of couples opting for a mixed marriage and guides them wisely and expertly. She shares all her secrets in Your Interfaith Wedding." - David Toussaint, author of Gay and Lesbian Weddings: Planning the Perfect Same-Sex Ceremony