Lakshmi and Vishnu:
The Eternal Soulmates
Lakshmi and Vishnu travel through the cosmos on Garuda.
The Lakshmi-Vishnu union is the ultimate soul mate relationship, meant to last throughout time.
The birth story of the Goddess Lakshmi tells the tale of a divine female who emerged from the milky ocean fully formed and was declared a goddess the moment she arrived.
There is so much power and romance in her creation story. Known in Hinduism as Samudra Manthan, which means churning of the ocean, it acontains the kinds of classic fights between good and evil that are so familiar in Hindu stories. But it is also a bit of a romance book in that she met her true love the day she was born!
She was desired by all the gods and some demons, but she picked her soul mate, Vishnu, to be hers for all time. Together, they would be for eternity.
While Lakshmi stands as a powerful female in her own right, her relationship with Vishnu, and their relationship with other gods and goddesses, enhance their powers, which are then shared with the world in so many ways.
Their relationship is mythic and plays a huge role in Hindu belief, and they are considered the ideal couple. They are each whole and powerful unto themselves, but together they heal, empower, and preserve the world.
They have a beautiful and layered story and it's my honor to share it, along with a cool sacred love meditation.